Saturday, September 29, 2007

Crossbone Gundam X-3

This is My Hero. I love CrossBone very much.
The story takes place 10 years after the end of Gundam F91. The movie's heroes, Seabook Arno and Cecily Fairchild, discover that Crux Dogatie of the Jupiter Energy Fleet is plotting to conquer Earth with the forces of his Jupiter Empire. In response, Cecily takes up her birth name "Berah Ronah" and recreates the Crossbone Vanguard, who disguise themselves as pirates attacking the Jupiter Energy Fleet. Seabook, under the alias "Kinkedo Nau", is one of the new Vanguard's top pilots. The other is Zabine Chareux, a veteran of the original Crossbone Vanguard. The main character of Crossbone Gundam is a teenage Newtype named Tobia Arronax, who gets swept up in the war between the Crossbone Vanguard and Jupiter Empire. While Gundam F91 is understandably viewed as a disappointment by many Gundam fans, Crossbone Gundam is widely regarded as one of Gundam's best installments, with its likeable cast, well-written story, and unique "pirate Gundam" mechanical designs. Its quality easily leads one to wonder how Gundam F91 would have turned out had Tomino been able to complete it as the originally planned 52 episode TV series, rather than having to condense it into a single 2-hour movie. The popularity of the series is such that it has two sequels. The first is a single volume story collection called 'Skull Heart', taking place several years after the events of the main manga with Tobia as the new leader of the reorganized Crossbone Vanguard. A second multi-volume sequel called 'Seven of Steel' is currently in production with the first volume coming out in December of 2006. Apart from a fan-translation, this manga has never been distributed in English.

General and Technical Data
Model number: XM-X3 (F97)Code name: Crossbone Gundam X-3Unit type: prototype general purpose mobile suitManufacturer: Strategic Naval Research InstituteOperator: Crossbone VanguardFirst deployment: UC 0133Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso with Core Block System using Core FighterDimensions: head height 15.9 metersWeight: empty 9.5 metric tons; max gross 24.8 metric tonsArmor materials: gundarium alloy/ceramic composite Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 5280 kWPropulsion: rocket thrusters: 4 x 25000-30000 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 34Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 4.03-4.84 GEquipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; dummy launchers in hands; special weapons targeting sensor in head, can be deployed over right eye sensor/camera; bio-computer system; 2 x I-field generator, mounted in forearmsOptional equipment: anti-beam coating cloak, mounts on main body; booster, mounts on X-thrusters; 2 x beam shield/brand marker, mount on forearms over I-field generatorsFixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x mega machine cannon, fire-linked, mounted in torso; 2 x mega machinegun, fire-linked, mounted in chest; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in shoulder armor, hand-carried in use; 4 x heat dagger, stored one in each foot and one in each calf, hand-carried or foot-mounted in use; 2 x scissor anchor, mounted on front skirt armorOptional hand armaments: muramasa blaster, large sword with 1 x beam gun and 14 x beam saber; buster gun, can be stored on right hip armor; beam zanber, can be stored on left hip armor; zanbuster, combined buster gun/beam zanberOptional armaments: rifle grenade, fired from buster gun; atomic shell, fired from buster gun
Technical and Historical Notes
The last of the three Crossbone Gundams, the X-3 was mostly similar to its predecessors. However, this unit had several important changes intended to give it ultimate offense and defense. The beam shields of the first two models were removed and replaced with I-field generators, the first time such equipment had been used in a conventional mobile suit. However, the I-field came with limitations; the emitters were focused in the Gundam's hands, meaning that if it were restrained, it couldn't use the field. Additionally, the I-field could only operate for 105 seconds consecutively before overheating and requiring two full minutes to cool down. In terms of design, the X-3 featured a large skull relief on its chest, which mounted a pair of mega machineguns in the eyes for additional close-range firepower. Though it could use the beam zanber and buster gun, the X-3's primary weapon was the Muramasa blaster. This large sword mounted a beam gun in the tip and a set of fourteen beam sabers. Though it could be used as a conventional metal sword, the Muramasa blaster could also surround its blade with beam energy for incredible cutting power, or generate a single, very long beam blade from its tip. However, much like the I-field, the Muramasa blaster had a limited operation time, meaning that the pilot would have to be able to manage its use efficiently.
The X-3 was originally going to be delivered to the Crossbone Vanguard by Sherindon Ronah, Berah's cousin and captain of the supply ship Eos Nyx. However, Sherindon opposed her cousin's fight against the Jupiter Empire, and to that end allowed the Federation to capture the Mother Vanguard while she restrained Tobia Arronax on her ship. Believing that the conflict would result in a race of strong Newtypes who would inherit humanity, Sherindon wanted to let the Empire have its way with Earth. Enraged, Tobia managed to break free and steal the X-3, rushing to his friends' aid. Though he managed to rescue Bernadette Briette from Crux Dogatie's clutches, Tobia was unable to prevent Zabine Chareaux's apparent murder of Kincado Nau. After hiding out on Earth for several months, Tobia returned to battle when the Death Gale Team tracked him, Berah and Bernadette down. Tobia managed to defeat the EMS-VSX2 Abijo and EMS-VSX3 Totuga, but was cornered by the EMS-VSX1 Quavarze and was saved by the timely intervention of Kincado. Returning to space, Tobia helped destroy the Jupitris 9, then descended to Earth once more to battle the real Dogatie in his EMA-10 Divinidad. Though he disabled the Divinidad's nuclear missiles, Tobia found himself in the sights of the giant mobile armor's large mega particle cannon. Faced with no other choice, Tobia flew the X-3 into the cannon's barrel and turned his I-field to full power, ejecting the Core Fighter just in time to escape the mutual destruction of both machines.

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